Webinar Registration
Upcoming Webinars

Sustainable Communities Division—USGBC’s LEED for Cities and Communities Webinar Series
Recently, USGBC released LEED for Cities and Communities—a certification program that specifically helps local leaders, planners and developers create sustainable cities and communities. To help advance both of our missions, the division is excited to announce that SCD and USGBC will be cross promoting a series of free LEED for Cities and Communities webinars. They will introduce these programs, case studies, and other sustainability-related content. They are approved for both GBCI CE (continuing education) and AICP CM credit.
The theme of the upcoming webinar is Disrupting Urban Mobility: The New COVID Landscape in Cities (SCD Webinar). It will take place on June 24th at 1:00pm ET. Register through this link.
If you have thoughts about additional cross-disciplinary educational opportunities, please reach out to Matt Bucchin, SCD Chair, to discuss. For further information on LEED for Cities and Communities rating system, please reach out to SCD member Vatsal Bhatt, PhD, Vice President – Communities, USGBC, at vbhatt@usgbc.org.